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Stop Saving Stuff For Your Kids

Possessions curated over a lifetime are displayed with pride around baby boomers’ homes. With their parents’ Great Depression values instilled in them, boomers are a generation of savers. Things in basements, garages, attics, closets and cabinets overflow into living spaces.…

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10 Top Spring Organizing Tips (05.20.15)

Here in the northeast the forecast is for a beautiful few days leading into the Memorial Day weekend. Yay! We earned it after suffering through the polar vortex last winter! Here are 10 top spring organizing tips, some or all…

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A Unique Father’s Day Gift (June 2014)

Is the dad in your family tired of losing things buried in clutter? Tools? Sports equipment? The backup fridge?  Do you think he'd be happier if he could actually find what he needed when he needed it? This year, forget…

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Does Your Man Cave Need a Makeover?

Only in America do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and lock useless things and junk in boxes in the garage. ~ Yakov Smirnoff What does your garage man cave say about you (and your family)?…

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